Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Team!


Property Type:

25.4% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (down from 29.2% in July)  
17.3% by First Time Buyers  (up from 14.9%) *
13.7% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit (up from 12.9%) *
11.2% buying Recreation Property  (up from 10.2%) * 
9.0% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (down from 9.2) 
6.5% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 6.8%) 
4.0% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home (down from 4.1%)  

* During August, there were increases in purchases by first time buyers, those moving from strata properties to single family homes and purchasers of  recreation property compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
25.4% Couple without Children (down from 26.7% in July) 
25.0% Two Parent Family/Children (up from 24.7%) **
20.2% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 23.0%) 
13.6% Single Female (up from 13.0%) **
13.2% Single Male (up from 9.7%) **
4.1% Single Parent with Children (up from 2.7%) **

** There were more purchases by two parent families, single females and males, and single parents during August.

Moving From: 
50.1% from Within OMREB Board Area  (down from 50.3% in July)
22.6% from Alberta (down from 22.7%) 
9.8% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 11.7%)
5.2% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (down from 7.3%)
4.9% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (up from 3.6%) *** 
4.5% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (up from 1.3%) ***
2.1% from Outside Canada  (down from 2.3%) 
0.7% from NWT/Yukon (same as July)

*** Compared to July, more buyers moved from Saskatchewan/Manitoba and Eastern Canada/Maritimes in August, while movement from other areas declined.


Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Team!


Property Type:
29.2% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (down from 30.9% in June)  
14.9% by First Time Buyers  (down from 20.7%)
12.9% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit (same as June)
10.2% buying Recreation Property  (up from 4.3%) * 
9.2% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (same as June) 
6.8% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (up from 5.3%) *
4.1% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home (up from 2.8%)  *

* During June, there were increases in purchases by recreation property buyers, retirees moving into seniors communities, and buyers moving from strata properties to single family homes compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
26.7% Couple without Children (up from 24.9% in June) **
24.7% Two Parent Family/Children (down from 28.4%)
23.0% Empty Nester/Retired (up from 21.3%) **
13.0% Single Female (up from 11.9%) **
9.7% Single Male (down from 9.9%)
2.7% Single Parent with Children (same as June)

** There were more purchases by couples without children, empty nessters/retirees and single females during July than in June.

Moving From: 
50.3% from Within OMREB Board Area  (down from 57.9% in July)
22.7% from Alberta (up from 18.2%) ***
11.7% from Other Areas in BC  (up from 8.6%) ***
7.3% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (down from 9.8%)
3.6% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (up from 1.2%) *** 
2.3% from Outside Canada  (up from 1.8%) ***
1.3% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 2.1%) 
0.7% from NWT/Yukon (up from 0.3%) ***

*** Compared to June, more buyers moved from Alberta, other areas of BC, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, the Territories/Yukon and outside Canada in July. Movement from other areas declined.



Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Team!


Property Type:

30.9% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (up from 28.6% in May) * 
20.7% by First Time Buyers  (up from 18.5%) *
13.0% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit (down from 15.2%) 
9.3% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (up from 7.4%) * 
5.3% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (up from 4.4%) *
4.3% buying Recreation Property  (down from 6.4%)
2.8% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home (down from 5.1%) 

* During June, there were increases in purchases by move-up buyers, first-time buyers, retirees moving into seniors communities, and investment property buyers compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
28.4% Two Parent Family/Children (up from 21.9% in May) **
24.9% Couple without Children (up from 24.5% in May) **
21.3% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 21.9%)
11.9% Single Female (down from 17.9%)
9.9% Single Male (down from 10.6%)
2.7% Single Parent with Children (down from 3.6%)

** There were more purchases by two parent families and couples without children during June than in May.

Moving From: 
57.9% from Within OMREB Board Area  (up from 57.7% in May) *** 
18.2% from Alberta (up from 16.3%) ***
9.8% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (same as May)
8.6% from Other Areas in BC  (up from 7.3%) ***
2.1% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 3.7%) 
1.8% from Outside Canada  (up from 1.0%) ***
1.2% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (down from 4.3%) 
0.3% from NWT/Yukon (up from 0%) ***

*** Compared to May, more buyers moved from within the Board area and other areas of BC, as well as from Alberta, Northwest Territories and Yukon, and outside Canada in June. Movement from other areas stayed the same or declined.



Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Team!


Property Type:
28.6% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (same as April) 
18.5% by First Time Buyers  (down from 21.1%)
15.2% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (up from 10.6%) *
6.4% buying Recreation Property  (down from 9.9%)
7.4% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (down from 9.6%) 
5.1% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home (up from 3.6%) *
4.4% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 6.3%) 

* During the month of May, there was an increase in purchases by those moving single family homes to strata properties, and from stratas to single family homes compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
24.5% Couple without Children (up from 24.0% in April) **
21.9% Two Parent Family/Children (down from 27.8%)
21.95% Empty Nester/Retired (up from 19.2%) **
17.9% Single Female (up from 11.4%) **
10.6% Single Male (down from 12.0%) 
3.6% Single Parent with Children (same as April)

** There were more purchases by couples without children, empty nesters/retirees, and single females during May than in April.

Moving From: 
57.7% from Within OMREB Board Area  (up from 51.1% in April) *** 
16.3% from Alberta (down from 20.2%)
9.7% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (same as April)
7.3% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 10.1%)
4.3% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (down from 4.1%) 
3.7% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (up from 3.1%) ***
1.0% from Outside Canada  (down from 1.6%)
0% from NWT/Yukon (same as April)

*** Compared to April, more buyers moved from within the Board area, and Eastern Canada/Maritimes in May.  Movement from other areas stayed the same or declined.


Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Team!


Property Type:

28.7% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (up from 24.7% in March) *
21.1% by First Time Buyers  (down from 22.3%)
10.6% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (down from 11.6%) 
9.9% buying Recreation Property  (up from 7.4%) *
9.6% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (up from 7.0%) *
6.3% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (up from 4.2%) *
3.6% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (up from 2.8%) *

* During the month of April, there was an increase in purchases by move-up buyers, and those moving into retirement/seniors communities and from strata properties to single family homes, as well as recreation and revenue properties, compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):

27.8% Two Parent Family/Children (up from 20.0% in March) **
24.0% Couple without Children (down from 28.6%) 
19.2% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 21.4%)
12.0% Single Male (down from 13.6%) 
11.4% Single Female (up from 10.9%) **
3.5% Single Parent with Children (down from 4.1%)

** There were more purchases by two parent families with children and single females during April than in March.

Moving From: 


51.1% from Within OMREB Board Area  (up from 50.5% in March) *** 
20.2% from Alberta (up from 17.1%) *** 
10.1% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 13.6%)
9.8% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (down from 11.4%)
4.1% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (up from 2.7%) ***
3.1% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (up from 2.3%) ***
1.6% from Outside Canada  (down from 3.2%)
0% from NWT/Yukon (same as March)

*** Compared to March, more buyers moved from within the Board area, Alberta, other areas of BC, the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, and Eastern Canada/Maritimes in April.



Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Team!



Property Type:
24.7% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (down from 27.7%) 
22.3% by First Time Buyers  (down from 27.7% in February)
11.6% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (up from 10.9%) *
7.4% buying Recreation Property  (up from 5.9%) *
7.0% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (up from 6.7%) *
4.2% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (up from 3.4%) *
2.8% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (down from 5.0%)

* During the month of March, there was an increase in purchases of recreation and revenue properties, as well as people moving to Strata units and Seniors communities, compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):

28.6% Couple without Children (up from 24.2% in February) **
21.4% Empty Nester/Retired (up from 17.5%) **
20.0% Two Parent Family/Children (down from 31.7%)
13.6% Single Male (down from 14.2%) 
10.9% Single Female (up from 6.7%) **
4.1% Single Parent with Children (down from 5.0%)

** There were more purchases by couples without kids, empty nesters/retirees and single females during March than the previous month.

Moving From: 
50.5% from Within OMREB Board Area  (down from 59.8% in February) 
17.1% from Alberta (down from 18.0%) 
13.6% from Other Areas in BC  (up from 8.2%) ***
11.6% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (up from 7.4%) ***
3.2% from Outside Canada  (down from 4.1%)
0.8% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (down from 0.8%) 
2.3% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (up from 1.6%) ***
0% from NWT/Yukon (same as February)

*** Compared to February, more buyers moved from within other areas of BC, the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island, and Eastern Canada/Maritimes in March.



Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group!


Property Type:

27.7% by First Time Buyers  (up from 20.8% in January)*
27.7% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers (up from 26.4%) *
10.9% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (down from 14.4%)
6.7% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (up from 6.4%)*
5.9% buying Recreation Property  (down from 8.0%)
5.0% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (down from 6.4%) 
3.4% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 4.0%)

* During the month of February, there was an increase in purchases by Move-up and First-time buyers, and revenue property investors, while all other property types were down compared to the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
31.7% Two Parent Family/Children (up from 20.7% in January)**
24.2% Couple without Children (up from 19.3%)**
17.5% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 23.7%) 
14.2% Single Male (similar to January - 14.1%) 
6.7% Single Female (down from 17.0%)
5.0% Single Parent with Children (down from 6.7%)

** There were more purchases by two parent families with children and couples without kids during February.

Moving From: 
59.8% from Within OMREB Board Area  (down from 60.3% in January) 
18.0% from Alberta (up from 13.2%)***
8.2% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 11.0%)
7.4% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (up from 6.8%)***
4.1% from Outside Canada  (up from 1.5%)***
1.6% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 2.2%)
0.8% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (down from 4.4%) 
0% from NWT/Yukon (down from 0.7%)

*** Compared to January, more buyers moved from within Alberta, the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island, and outside Canada, while purchasers from other areas decreased in February.



Below are the Real Estate Statistics for the month of February 2014. 


For more information, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group today!


Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group!

Property Type:

26.4% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers  (up from 25.4% in December) *
20.8% by First Time Buyers  (up from 20.1%) *
14.4% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (up from 11.9%) *
8.0% buying Recreation Property  (up from 7.5%)
6.4% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (down from 8.2%) 
6.4% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (up from 5.2%) *
4.0% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 4.5%)

* During the month of January, there was an increase in purchases by Move-up and First-time buyers, and those moving to single family homes from strata, and from single family to retirement communities.  

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):

23.7% Empty Nester/Retired (up from 16.4% in December) ** 
20.7% Two Parent Family/Children (down from 31.3%) 
19.3% Couple without Children (down from 28.4%)
17.0% Single Female (up from 11.9%) **
14.1% Single Male (up from 9.7%) **
6.7% Single Parent with Children (up from 3.0%) **

** There were more purchases by empty nesters/retirees, singles, and single parents with children in January compared to the previous month.

Moving From: 

60.3% from Within OMREB Board Area  (down from 66.2% in December) 
13.2% from Alberta (down from 14.0%)
11.0% from Other Areas in BC  (up from 5.1%) ***
6.8% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (up from 6.6%) ***
4.4% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (up from 2.2%) ***
2.2% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 2.9%)
1.5% from Outside Canada  (down from 2.9%)
0.7% from NWT/Yukon (up from 0%) ***

*** Compared to December, fewer buyers moved from within the Board area, Alberta, Eastern Canada and overseas last month, while purchasers from other areas increased.


Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group!

Property Type:

25.4% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers  (up from 24.2% in November) *
20.1% by First Time Buyers  (up from 18.2%) *
11.9% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (down from 12.6%)
8.2% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (up from 7.6%) *
7.5% buying Recreation Property  (down from 8.1%)
5.2% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (up from 3.5%) *
4.5% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 6.1%)

* During the month of December, there was an increase in purchases by Move-up and First-time buyers, revenue property purchasers, and those moving to single family homes from strata communities.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
31.3% Two Parent Family/Children (up from 22.3%) **
28.4% Couple without Children (up from 26.7% in November)**
16.4% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 21.8%) 
11.9% Single Female (down from 12.1%)
9.7% Single Male (down from 13.6%)
3.0% Single Parent with Children (up from 1.5%) **

** There were more purchases by couples without children, two parent families and single parents with children in December compared to the previous month.

Moving From: 
66.2% from Within OMREB Board Area  (up from 55.6% in November) ***
14.0% from Alberta (down from 16.9%)
6.6% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (down from 9.2%)
5.1% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 7.7%)
2.9% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 3.9%)
2.9% from Outside Canada  (same as November)
2.2% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (down from 3.9%)
0% from NWT/Yukon (same as November)

*** Compared to November, more buyers moved from within the Board area, and purchasers from other areas declined in December.


This information was provided by OMREB. Contact The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group today for more information. 


Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group!



Property Type:
24.5% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers  (up from 22.4% as in September)*
17.5% by First Time Buyers  (down from 20.4%)
14.8% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (up from 12.5%)*
8.3% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (down from 8.6%)
7.9% buying Recreation Property  (down from 13.7%)
5.7% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (up from 3.9%)*
4.8% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (up from 3.5%)*

* During the month of October, there was an increase in purchases by move-up buyers, home owners downsizing to strata units and retirement communities, and  strata owners purchasing single family homes.   First-time buyers, and those purchasing revenue and recreation property saw a drop from the previous month.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
26.2% Couple without Children (up from 19.9% in September)**
25.3% Two Parent Family/Children (same as September)**
17.3% Empty Nester/Retired (down from 26.8%)
14.3% Single Male (same as September)
10.1% Single Female (down from 10.7%)
5.1% Single Parent with Children (up from 3.2%)**

** There were more purchases by couples without children and single parents with children in October compared to last month.

Moving From: 
59.2% from Within OMREB Board Area  (up from 46.9% in September)***
14.3% from Alberta (down from 21.7%)
8.0% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (down from 12.0%)
7.1% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 9.7%)
5.9% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (up from 5.0%)***
2.5% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (down from 3.1%)
2.5% from Outside Canada  (up from 1.6%)***
0.4% from NWT/Yukon (up from 0%)***

*** Compared to September,  there were more buyers moving from within the Board area, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the NWT/Yukon, and outside Canada but less migration from Albert, and fewer purchasers from the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island, and other areas of BC during October.




Every month the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) does a survey to get a better understanding of buyers. Below is a summary of the survey that shows what types of properties are being bought, the family dynamic of buyers and where the buyers are coming from. If you have any questions about this survey or any other Kelowna real estate stats, call The Dion-Ivans Real Estate Group!


Property Type:
22.4% of purchases were by Move-Up Buyers  (down from 25.4% as in August)
20.4% by First Time Buyers  (up from 17.3%)*
13.7% buying Recreation Property  (up from 11.2%)*
12.5% moving from Single Family Home to Strata Unit  (up from 13.5%)*
8.6% buying Revenue/Investment Property  (same as August)
3.9% moving into Retirement Home/Seniors Community  (down from 6.5%)
3.5% moving from Strata property to Single Family Home  (same as August)

* During the month of September, there was an increase in purchases by first-time buyers, recreation property buyers and home owners downsizing to strata units and retirement communities, while move-up buyers and those moving to retirement communities saw a drop from the previous month or remained the same.

Buyer Type (Family Dynamic):
26.8% Empty Nester/Retired (up from 20.1% in August)**
25.3% Two Parent Family/Children (same as August)
19.9% Couple without Children (down from 23.4%)
14.2% Single Male (up from 11.2%)**
10.7% Single Female (down from 13.8%)
3.2% Single Parent with Children (down from 4.5%)

** In September, there were more purchases by empty nesters-retirees and single males, and by single females and single parent families, while all other categories saw decreases or stayed the same.

Moving From: 
46.9% from Within OMREB Board Area  (down from 50.7% in August)
21.7% from Alberta (same as August)
12.0% from Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island  (up from 9.0%)***
9.7% from Other Areas in BC  (down from 10.8%)
5.0% from Saskatchewan/Manitoba (up from 3.4%)***
3.1% from Eastern Canada/Maritimes (up from 1.5%)***
1.6% from Outside Canada  (up from 1.1%)***
0% from NWT/Yukon (down from 1.9%)

*** Compared to August,  there were more buyers moving from the Lower Mainland, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Eastern Canada and Maritimes, and outside Canada but less movement from within the Board area and fewer purchasers from other areas of BC during September.


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